April 7, 2011

Beautiful Sunset + Hot Air Balloon Festival = Amazing!

A trip to Saga prefecture in Japan for the 10th annual International Balloon Festival held in November 2010. The five-day festival received over 500,000 visitors and had contestants from Switzerland, America, Sweden, and China among other countries. On the fourth day of the festival, mother nature provided a beautiful sunset as balloons came into the landing area. Pilots attempted to drop a marker onto one of two targets.  The closer the marker the higher the score.

This was my first hot air balloon festival and it felt like being in some alternate reality fantasy novel, where balloons were the main form of air transport and the Hindenburg had never gone up in flames. It was an amazing sight!

If you have the chance to go to a local festival, don't miss out.  It will surely amaze you.

For more information on the festival visit the following link: http://www.sibf.jp/

This video is available under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike license

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