December 7, 2007

In the not too distant future

With the Christmas break comes free time, and I will finally be able to post some of the videos and pictures of my time in Japan やった!If you are interested in some of my previous work check out my youtube channel and my flickr account.

Also just an FYI, I applied for JET this year. Lets keep our collective fingers crossed and hope that I will be back in Japan in under a year.

1 comment:

S. Lee said...

ひさしぶりーーー。笑 Suyangやよぉ!!
i was wondering if you did..^^
so, next year, 日本にまた来るねっっ!!
you gotta come you know~~:P
hopefully i will send you an e-mail soon cos the semester is over here~~so free now~~nope, ive got an essay actually,,TT
again having a lot to talk to you lol
talk to you later then,
have a nice Xmas!! xxx